Alexandre Bizord ML & Graphics Engineer

Featured Projects

Neuro-Evolutive Flappy Bird

Neuro-Evolutive Flappy Bird

Remake of Flappy Bird in Unity played by a genetic algorithm

  • C#, Neural Network, Genetic Algorithm

After making my own neural network from scratch in Unity, I wanted to replace the back-propagation process using a genetic algorithm inspired by evolution and natural selection. I've remade the very simple yet famous game Flappy bird to create populations of birds that learn to avoid obstacles with these processes, and turned it into a betting game.

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American Sign Language Recognizer

American Sign Language Recognizer

Neural network trained to recognize the signs for the ASL alphabet in real time

  • Python, Machine Learning

During my fourth year of engineering school, I made an internship at Capgemini where I had to develop a neural network architecture that could recognize the ASL alphabet.
The input are the frames of a live webcam and the network makes a prediction and show the letter associated to the current sign.

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GPU Fluid Simulation

GPU Fluid Simulation

Implementation of Jos Stam's "Real Time Fluid Dynamics" paper using the WebGPU API

  • Javascript, WebGPU, WGSL

It's been a long time since I've wanted to implement a fluid simulation algorithm, and I decided to try it out as a playground for learning the new WebGPU API that is optimized for parallel computing on the web. The code runs on GPU using WGSL compute shaders

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Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe

Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe

A recursive Tic-Tac-Toe implementation with MCTS algorithm

  • Javascript, Machine Learning

The Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe is a game where you play tic-tac-toe inside a bigger tic-tac-toe. This implementation let you choose the deepness of the game and allow you to play against a computer using the Monte Carlo Tree Search algorithm. This algorithm was used to defeat professionals chess and go players.

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Other Projects

Generative Art Algorithms

Generative Art Algorithms

I made various generative algorithms to create digital art pieces

  • Javascript, WebGL, Shaders

I've always been interested in digital art and the mesmerizing pictures or animations that could be generated using the power of mathematics applied to generative algorithms. During my engineering studies, a lot of my personal projects aimed at creating beautiful visuals.
In the last few months I got to talk to many digital artists who really encouraged me to continue this artistic journey.

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A journey in 2D game development

  • C#, Unity

Causality is a game about time and rewinding the flow of time. It's also a solo cooperation game, but you're cooperating with yourself... in the future ! Or in the past, it depends on the time...
Inspired from the 2020 movie Tenet.

Open Project Page
Space-themed Landscape Generator

Space-themed Landscape Generator

A parametizable generator for beautiful space-themed landscapes

  • C++, SVG

One of the projects I made during my second year in engineering school was a landscape generator.
I really like space and its phenomenas so I chose this theme and started experimenting with SVG graphics.
It was a fun experience both in code and in design, the render is really colorful, diversified and refined.

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Jetpack Joyride for Casio

Jetpack Joyride for Casio

Adaptation of the famous mobile app on a graphical calculator

  • C, assembly, graphical calculator

When I was 16, I was part of a game development community focused on Casio graphical calculators.
I decided to adapt the famous Jetpack Joyride mobile game on a 128x64 monochrome calculator with 1mb of memory.
It resulted in a calculator app that is currently ranked as the best game on this site with more than 40,000 downloads.

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An isometric puzzle game that plays around perspective and optical illusions

  • C, Allegro

The second project I made during my first year of engineering school was a game where the goal is to find the right sequence of movement for a robot to make in order to finish the level.
The particularity of my version is that it's rendered in isometric view and uses optical illusions caused by the isometric perspective as a core mechanic in the gameplay.

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